Internationales Forschungszentrum für

Erneuerbare Energien e.V. Deutschland  (IFEED) 

International Research Centre for Renewable Energy

Solar Oasis - Video

From the desert to green garden

Newspaper article

"Potential of Solar Water Distillation for Integrated Renewable Energy Farms"

EverythingAboutWater Sept 09

IFEED - newspaper article

"Neue Chancen nutzen"

Eta-green 03/09 (external link)

Energie- Island

External link

New product: clean water - hand-operated

External link

IFEED - event

water shortage

- Summary -

Internew "Desertec - Conzept"

with Prof Dr. El Bassam

Statement regarding the development
of a Corporate syndicate towards
realization of the Desertec – concept

Greenpeace - Study:

Desert Electricity - The vision to the reality

External Link

Biomass - a chance, summary for Download

