Internationales Forschungszentrum für

Erneuerbare Energien e.V. Deutschland  (IFEED) 

International Research Centre for Renewable Energy

Statement regarding the development
of a Corporate syndicate towards
realization of the Desertec – concept

The development of a Corporate syndicate, which wants to transfuse 400 billion Euro into the "Desertec in Africa - concept", found a large reaction in the press.

The position of IFEED relates to this in the following way:

· Because it concerns an amalgamation of notable commercial firms, it is to be supposed that the technology not only guarantees financial success but limits the risks.

· We assume that an adaptation of the existing law for renewable energy electricity will be translated for the electricity coming from the solar thermal plants of Africa and the Southwest Asia and will bring sufficient investment security. An example for this plant type already exists in Spain.

· The available potentials of other renewable energy sources in Europe cannot cover the predicted demands with justifiable expense. This makes the energy association of the EU/MENA - countries indispensable. In the intermediate-term, the consumer price for electricity out of these plants, including transportation costs, are based on the local fossil-energy power plants. The present booming renewable energies are not to be expected to be harmed by competition because ostracism will appear more strongly from non-sustainable systems.

· It will be necessary for the governments to give the permission for implementation of the plants and control networks so that all participants attain an advantage. Solar energy production in North Africa is an important option for the countries themselves. The obtained energy can be sold to Europe and increase the local standard of living.

· Agricultural production can emerge on not yet useable areas through economical sea water desalination and by processing the waste heat of the plants,. This means a double CO2 - drop through avoiding the combustion of fossilized raw materials and the addition of biomass and food production. New habitats and prospects are created for the local population. The economy receives enormous potential for a wide population group in the technology transfer.

· The emerging “Solar-Oases” decrease the problems of the global population growth and the arising climate problems. We have an instrument, demanded by the UN climate advisory board (IPCC) of 2007, to reduce the global emissions at least 25 to 40 percent by 2020 as compared to emissions in 1990. In the determined implementation of the project, the chance exists to hold the global warming to less than 2 degrees centigrade as compared to pre-industrial values.

· For the success of the project, it will be essential to begin first of all with the local provision of energy and water. After successful demonstrations of a few lighthouse projects in regard to the population, the expansion of the plants will speedily move forward.

